Thursday, May 28, 2015


Hi my name is Phoebe . I am going  to tell you all about a time that I  was responsible. It was when I was at home . I was looking after my little  sister. Ok so say  I was  looking  after my  sister and ... Then I  lost her. Ok that did happen.  Time was ticking.  I  was looking and looking... Finally  I found her. She was under her bed . Why did I  not  look there so what did was I said she can watch t.v. 

Thursday, May 14, 2015


WALT Catch and throw big balls correctly.

Next steps: Practice my skills with small balls.

Maths: Knowlege wall

I am working on stage 4
Next steps: Skip counting in 2s - forwards & backwards

Monday, May 11, 2015


Next steps: To use our questioning skills to find out answers to problems in other learning areas.

Personal ldentity t shirts

WALT  ldentity the  things that  are  important to us  and  our families and use them to make symbols and patterns. 

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Reading term 2


WALT: understand the vocabulary in the stories we are reading.

Please read the sentence carefully and think about the word in bold. Select the meaning that you think is best for the sentence.


1. - b        2. - a        3. - d        4. - c        5. - b   

6. - a        7. - b        8. - c        9. - b        10. - a

Sunday, May 3, 2015