Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Reading team 4


  • read the text and think of and write a question for the answers provided


  • one of the seven servants is used at the beginning of the question

  • a question mark is used at the end of the question

  • key words from the answer have been used so that the question goes with the answer provided

The Swift Runner

In the olden times, the animals were fond of sports.  They often held contests with prizes for those that won.

One time a prize was offered for the animal who could prove himself the swiftest runner.

The reward was to be a pair of great antlers.  Each animal was to carry the antlers on his head while running the race.   The animal that won would have the antlers for his own.  

A path through the woods was chosen for the race course.  There were many bushes and brambles along the way.  

All the animals gathered at the meeting place.   They chose Black Bear to be judge of the race.  It was decided that the rabbit and the deer alone should try for the prize.  

“They are the best runners.  None of the rest of us could hope to win,” said the other animals.

White rabbit was given the first chance.

“I am willing to try for the prize,” White Rabbit said, “but I would like first to look over the ground where I am to run.”

So White Rabbit disappeared into the woods.  He was gone so long that Red Fox was sent to look for him.  

Red Fox found the rabbit hard at work cutting off twigs to clear a path to run on.

Red Fox went back and told the other animals what White Rabbit was doing.

Pretty soon White Rabbit came out of the woods.  He was all ready to put on the antlers and begin the race for the great prize. 


Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Inquiry Term 4

WALA: how plants respond to different growing coditions.  My group planted  bens we planted 3 pros. One was a test  (normal concoctions) our adaptation one was no light  adaptation 2

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Reading term 4

I use the reading eggspress app to practise my reading skills 

This page shows  when  we finish the book we have to do a quiz and if you get  100%  you will get a reward. 

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Monday, September 21, 2015

Spelling -term 3

For spelling I am on working on list 5 
My favourite activity on spelling city is Silly Bulls  
A word I learned to spell correctly this term is 'another'. 

Inquiry-term 3

Thursday, September 3, 2015

P.E. Video

We have been learning about our running here is a video

Cross country 

I came 4th in cross country 

I felt proud, happy and tired

Something I did well was pace my speed well.

Something I could improve on is going solwely at the start.

Sunday, August 30, 2015

My Pepeha

Something I am going to work on putting my full stops and capital letters in without being reminded. 

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Writing workshop t3 Descriptions

Our guidelines for descriptive writing. 

My first draft. 

Then I edited to see that I have included information about all of the key areas. 

My final description. 

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Term 2 writing : recount

Mrs Wilburn can I tell you something well, one day  my  mum , dad and brother and sister and uncle and Aunty  were  at my grandpas house and they heard somebody  calling  HELP!. It was my  grandpa . They  all  rushed into his  room.  He  took a last breath. Hle  was  dying. I  didn't know because I was at a slumber party with  Sophie.  When I come back  I asked mum where is gg and wilbur. She said they are all at snows. That is what we called  grandpa.  Anyway mum said snow died last night I burst  out with tears. I was so sad. Snow was the best. On Wednesday it was his funeral.  I  said a speech. It was  we will remember him we will  remember.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Reading term 2

WALT: use clues in the text and our prior knowledge to help us make sense of what we are reading.

WILF: that the words selected make sense in, and are the best choice for, the gaps in the story

The Centre of the World

By Lynne Allen

In the ocean there was an island.

On the  _______1______ there was a forest.

In the forest there was a ________2________.

On the tree there was a web.

On the web there was a __________3________.

supermarket, shop, island, school, tree, grass, leaf, cow, spider, bug

The spider sat in the middle of her _______4_______.

"This is the centre of the world," she said.

"I'll ______5______ you why."

road, street, web, sty, pen, said, tell, told, yell

"I am in the _______6______ of my web,

and my web is the best in the whole _______7_______.

My _______8______ is in the middle of this tree.

The tree is in the middle of the forest.

The forest is in the middle of the _______9_______.

The island is in the middle of the ocean,

and the ocean goes on forever,

without end."

end, start, middle, earth, universe, world, island, street, road

Just then a spider in the next tree called out.

"Well that might be the centre of your world,

but this is the _______10_______ of mine,

because I am in the middle of my web,

and it is the best web in the world..."

middle, centre, end, start

1. Grass
2. Tree
3. Spider
4. Wed
5. Tell
6. Middle
7. World 
8. Start
9. Inland 
10. Start

Thursday, May 28, 2015


Hi my name is Phoebe . I am going  to tell you all about a time that I  was responsible. It was when I was at home . I was looking after my little  sister. Ok so say  I was  looking  after my  sister and ... Then I  lost her. Ok that did happen.  Time was ticking.  I  was looking and looking... Finally  I found her. She was under her bed . Why did I  not  look there so what did was I said she can watch t.v. 

Thursday, May 14, 2015


WALT Catch and throw big balls correctly.

Next steps: Practice my skills with small balls.

Maths: Knowlege wall

I am working on stage 4
Next steps: Skip counting in 2s - forwards & backwards

Monday, May 11, 2015


Next steps: To use our questioning skills to find out answers to problems in other learning areas.

Personal ldentity t shirts

WALT  ldentity the  things that  are  important to us  and  our families and use them to make symbols and patterns. 

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Reading term 2


WALT: understand the vocabulary in the stories we are reading.

Please read the sentence carefully and think about the word in bold. Select the meaning that you think is best for the sentence.


1. - b        2. - a        3. - d        4. - c        5. - b   

6. - a        7. - b        8. - c        9. - b        10. - a

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Tuesday, March 24, 2015


Animal Fact File

I am learning to:

  • read to gain information

  • be able to skim read a book to find the information I need

  • write information under sub-headings

  • present my work to include pictures and facts in an attractive format

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Monday, March 16, 2015

Writing Term1


  • The idea in each of my sentences is complete.

  • My sentences all begin with a capital letter and end with a full stop (or an exclamation mark or question mark).

Writing Task:

Think back to a really special experience you have had.   It might be a birthday, a family dinner or a trip somewhere.  Write a recount about it.

Starter sentence:

It started out just like any other day.

On Christmas I got a rabbit cage and 2

weeks later I got the real rabbit .It was fluffy with sharp nails. It was still at first. Now it is

awesome.  I LOVE it so much.

I name it bear. He is lovely. I want to bring him to school today because I want room 9 to see that rabbit are kind.  He was $40. I might give him to the school. No! I'm just joking.If you want  a rabbit like me you have to know how  to clean the rabbit cage out every day

To clean it's cage you have

To clean out it's cage every day


Next steps - keep on working on my full stops and capitals. 

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Maths:3d drawing

WALT: draw  3d Shopes on isometric paper and work out  how  many faces  we can see  and  how 
many are  hidden.
Next step drawing shape that disappear behind another  one.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015