Tuesday, March 24, 2015


Animal Fact File

I am learning to:

  • read to gain information

  • be able to skim read a book to find the information I need

  • write information under sub-headings

  • present my work to include pictures and facts in an attractive format

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Monday, March 16, 2015

Writing Term1


  • The idea in each of my sentences is complete.

  • My sentences all begin with a capital letter and end with a full stop (or an exclamation mark or question mark).

Writing Task:

Think back to a really special experience you have had.   It might be a birthday, a family dinner or a trip somewhere.  Write a recount about it.

Starter sentence:

It started out just like any other day.

On Christmas I got a rabbit cage and 2

weeks later I got the real rabbit .It was fluffy with sharp nails. It was still at first. Now it is

awesome.  I LOVE it so much.

I name it bear. He is lovely. I want to bring him to school today because I want room 9 to see that rabbit are kind.  He was $40. I might give him to the school. No! I'm just joking.If you want  a rabbit like me you have to know how  to clean the rabbit cage out every day

To clean it's cage you have

To clean out it's cage every day


Next steps - keep on working on my full stops and capitals. 

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Maths:3d drawing

WALT: draw  3d Shopes on isometric paper and work out  how  many faces  we can see  and  how 
many are  hidden.
Next step drawing shape that disappear behind another  one.